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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Being 5 again!

Watching this 10 years ago left no impact on me whatsoever as i was probably too uncultured, and dumb to understand the intricacies of every the plot and emotions of the characters. It was like touch & go and left no imprint on my mind.

But fast forward 10 years, as i sit in the cinema watching woody, mr potato, rex and buzz lightyear dot the screen with their performances, i feel so enlightened, so happy and so grateful to be able to reminisce what it was like to be without worry or thought, to laugh and smile like a child and to even think like one. Although i may have forgotten what it really was like being a child, but at least i could imagine myself as one, for the three hours in the dark, behind those 3D glasses, I felt wonderful.

Not wanting to miss even a second of that wonderful feeling glued me to my seats even during the 10 min intermission,everything was too good to miss.

I never ever want to forget what i felt last night and therefore i am writing this.

To those who have forgotten how it feels to be a kid and have embroiled themselves into the daily workings of life, i urge you guys to go and give this movie a try. You won't regret it.

Now, i will save this memory in my heart and get back to finishing the pile of work i have waiting on my desk.


1 comment:

  1. 我从来不知道一个女人可以为爱情不择手段到什么地步
