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Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have a few drafts stored away either in my computer or in the recesses of my mind, but I think I really have to get this one out of the system before I can move on to bigger and better things. Not because of anything but just because I hate injustice done towards anyone including yours truly and not being able to write about it just gnaws away at my nerves.

Disclaimer: This will be full of personal rants so if you would rather not read about anything less than cheerful then I would strongly advise you to skip this post.

Well, I really cannot comprehend how some people who seem so nice, demure and straightforward can commit such atrocious acts of backstabbing and display such boldness in fabricating complete lies about another person. I admit my faults, I admit my weaknesses, I admit I am not perfect, but I also am of the opinion that whatever I may have said or did during the short period of time spent together didn't warrant such a harsh criticism. Even if it did, I still feel that as an upright and courteous person equipped with basic mannerism and ethics which I think everyone should know( but who knows, maybe said person doesn't), if you have anything against me, anything at all, just tell me TO MY FACE. We don't even see each other often, why the need to feel scared of any retaliation from me? We aren't even from the same area! Do you really think that by going through a few parties to get your message across to me I would feel less hurt? Less offended? Less angry? Do you honestly feel that by smearing my name and reputation I would thank you? That I would salute you for your insightful criticism? If you really did then I would really salute you for your naivety and dumbness.

Spite, is probably a really strong driving factor for people to do all sorts of outrageous things to hurt another person. I'd understand if I felt any animosity during the time spent together, but what I can't really comprehend is the way some people can put on such a false front in front of you (pun intended) then turn around and just bad-mouth you so easily. I am sorry if I was too naive and innocent to decipher your thoughts, but if there is one thing I can thank you for after this is for teaching me how you can never trust humanity anymore, how you can never expect that by being nice to others people will be nice to you, how you cannot expect people whom you considered as friends to treat you as a friend etc.

Another thing I totally cannot understand is how some seemingly qualified and smart intellectuals can be so rash, brash and downright rude whenever it comes to dealing with other people who they deem not being able to match up to their status. It really reflects on one's upbringing and grace whenever it comes to situations like this, its really saddening to see seemingly 'educated' and experienced individuals humiliate themselves and others in a public setting over trivial matters. Ah well, all I can say is how humiliated I was to be associated with said person.

It feels good to finally let this off my chest. All in all, after this experience I have learnt a really valuable lesson in life so maybe it wasn't all bad. Whatever I ranted about here I hope not to ever ever practice in life no matter how hard it is, because i find hypocriticism another one of the things I really cannot stand. haha. Then this will be all, next post scheduled = new year resolutions( who ever said that new year resolutions must be posted on January the 1st? lol)

To being good,
Chocochocomonster. =)