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Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am still reeling from the intense emotions i experienced watching this movie.

Buildings are shattered, lives are lost and hearts are broken. I don't fully understand the workings of the world, the things god does i cannot fathom but what I can grasp is that natural diasasters and tragedies damages millions of people to the core. No one to blame, no one left and nothing you can do except wait for time to work its magic and help sew up the fresh wounds, stop the oozing blood and shield everything from further damage.

Scars are left behind for the survivors to bear, to hold dear and to remember for the rest of their lives.

But what i found to be the most scary wasn't how people are scarred for life by these incidents, but rather, how close to reality this movie was. This isn't Star Wars, War of the Worlds or any apocalyptic science fiction movie but rather something real, something of the same scale but it could happen to anyone, anywhere and it has happened.

The Kobe earthquake, the Tang Shan earthquake, the Sze Chuan earthquake etc. All these really makes one sit up and ponder about how frail mortality is, how easily our lives can be wiped out, like killing a mosquito or squashing an ant.

One wonders, what really is the point of life? From the point of birth to the musky stale coffin we lie eternally, we are merely embroiled in a vicious cycle where we gain and lose happiness almost simultaneously, where we are set on the pursuit of happiness and perfection which may never be ours before we have to bid adieu, where our value is based on how much we have earned, how well we have lived our life and how successful we seem to be. We mortal beings try our best to figure out the meaning of life, reading books after books on self motivation, spiritual health, trying so damn hard to figure out the workings of the universe, but what for?


* this is a really fragmented and crappy post with shitty content, I just can't figure out what to write.


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